Get the module up and running

Mac OS X

You first need to pull the directory from git on your computer. From a terminal, tape

git clone

Then, the easiest way to get everything up and running is to work within the pdsimage conda environment provided in the environment.yml file.

For those who have conda installed on their machine, just use:

conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate pdsimage

This will create the pdsimage environment which contains all the dependency for the library to work properly.

For those who don’t use conda, you can:

  1. follow the instruction available here to install it and give it a try. It really make everything easier ;)

  2. Use pip on the command line:

    pip install pdsimage

    Then, if the basemap tool_kit is not installed yet in your environment, you will need to install it as well for the library to work properly. First, make sure to install the dependency GEOS/PROJ4:

    brew install geos
    brew install proj

    should give you a working installation for both packages. Then, install basemap from source:

    pip install

    Now, you are good to go as well.


While I did not try it myself, repeating the same exercise than above on whatever Unix distributed system should work properly.