Studying specific region and making beautiful plot

While PDS_Extractor has been designed to facilitate the extraction of data, Structure is more related to the visualization of these data. It contains three Class:

  • Area: Use to study random region at the lunar surface
  • Crater: Use to study specific impact crater at the lunar surface
  • Dome: Use to study specific low-slope dome at the lunar surface


This class aim to study a specific location at the surface of the Moon through images and its topography. Indeed, given a region of interest defined by its centered (longitude,latitude) and a radius (km), the class allows to plot different information:

  • lola_image realize a plot of the region topography
  • wac_image realize an image of the region
  • overlay realize an overlay of the image with its topography
  • draw_profile allows to plot different topographic profile along with the map where you can visualize the trace.

For instance, if we take back the region of interest and decide to really plot the overlay this time, we can do:

from Structure import Area
%matplotlib inline

region = Area(120,-60,5)
region.ppdlola = 64
region.ppdwac = 64
region.overlay(True, 'region.png')

This two line of code produce the image below


If you want to zoom in, simply change the size of the window:

region.overlay(True, 'region_zoomed_in.png')

Outside of plotting the topography or the image alone, the method draw_profile is of particular interest to get some insight into the topography. It can be used as follows:

midlon = (region.window[0]+region.window[1])/2.0
midlat = (region.window[2]+region.window[3])/2.0
profile1 = (midlon,midlon,region.window[2],region.window[3]) #Vertical profile
profile2 = (region.window[0],region.window[1],midlat,midlat) #Horizontal profile

which results in three nice topographic profiles along with a map with their corresponding trace.



This class is specifically designed to work with lunar impact craters. Indeed, the library integrates a table containing information about all referenced impact craters on the Moon. It is a compilation of the data from Salamuniccar et al, 2011, Jozwiak et al, 2015 and Losiak et al, 2009.

The table references six features for each feature which are also set as attribute of the class:

  • name: Name of the crater is exist
  • lat0: Center latitude of the crater (degree)
  • lon0: Center longitude of the crater (degree)
  • diameter: Crater diameter (km)
  • type: 1 if the crater is a floor-fractured crater, 0 otherwise
  • radius: Radius of the crater (km)
  • index: index in the table

For instance, say we want to study the crater Copernicus, a 93 km in diameter normal crater, simply use:

Copernicus = Crater('name','Copernicus')

As it is based on the Area class, it inherits all of these method and the example shown above can be taken for working here as well. In particular, you can easily figure what does it looks like:


If you are not familiar with their name, you can also use their index in the table such that:

RandomCrater = Crater('index',53)

Also, you can access to the table by using the method craters of this class. For instance, using:

df = RandomCrater.craters()

will store the table in a pandas dataframe named df.


This class is build in a similar fashion the the Crater class but contains information about low-slope domes. To get the corresponding table, simply used its method domes.

For instance, the dome called M13 looks like:

M13 = Dome('name','M13')
M13.ppdlola = 64
M13.ppdwac = 64
M13.overlay(True, os.path.join(imagep,'M13.png'))
